Articles tagged web
Stop Writing Server-Based Web Apps

The World-Wide Web, as we know it, started around 1993 by serving static HTML files with links to other HTML files. It didn’t take long for developers to find ways of making websites more “dynamic” using technologies like Common Gateway Interface (CGI), Perl, and Python. Since the ’90s, I have built web applications using a variety of languages, platforms, and frameworks. I’ve written application frameworks, content management systems, a blog engine, and a social media...
If It Ain't TypeScript It Ain't Sexy

A few years ago I got “Jeep fever.” I began daydreaming about owning a Jeep, driving around with the top down, and going on trips into the mountains. That’s when it happened. Everywhere I went, I saw Jeeps. I passed countless Jeeps on the road. There were Jeeps in every parking lot. Practically everyone had a Jeep but me. Where did all these Jeeps come from?! Logically, I had to assume there was relatively the...
Nobody Cares About OAuth or OpenID Connect

If you’re reading this post, there’s a good chance that you’re a web developer who’s very interested in web security. You’ve probably heard about OAuth or OpenID Connect (OIDC) before. You may have even used them at some point in your career. But here’s the thing: almost nobody actually cares about OAuth or OIDC. Not you, not me, and not even other developers in the security industry. To understand why nobody cares about these two...
What's New in JavaScript for 2019

For the last several years, JavaScript has been evolving on a steady cadence with new language features. If you’re curious to see what’s in store for the next version of JavaScript, this post is for you! Before we talk about the latest features, it’s important to understand how new ideas become part of the JavaScript language. The Process for New JavaScript Language Features In a nutshell, the language specification that drives JavaScript is called ECMAScript....
Learn JavaScript in 2019

There’s never been a better time to be a programmer. Technology isn’t slowing down. Neither will the demand for innovative solutions to solve new challenges or take advantage of new opportunities. The key differentiation in the marketplace is often the one with the better technology. And companies are willing to pay big bucks for it. Not only are there new challenges and opportunities, but there are also better systems today to support programmers. Languages, code...
Build a Simple Web App with Express, Angular, and GraphQL

During the past 10 years or so, the concept of REST APIs for web services has become the bread and butter for most web developers. Recently a new concept has emerged, GraphQL. GraphQL is a query language that was invented by Facebook and released to the public in 2015. During the last three years, it has created quite a stir. Some regard it as a new revolutionary way of creating web APIs. The main difference...
Use TypeScript to Build a Node API with Express

Like it or not, JavaScript has been helping developers power the Internet since 1995. In that time, JavaScript usage has grown from small user experience enhancements to complex full-stack applications using Node.js on the server and one of many frameworks on the client such as Angular, React, or Vue. Today, building JavaScript applications at scale remains a challenge. More and more teams are turning to TypeScript to supplement their JavaScript projects. Node.js server applications can...
Build a Simple Web App with Express, React and GraphQL

GraphQL and React have both become quite popular in the last few years, and it’s safe to say they go together like avocado and toast. A GraphQL server can be written in Node and lets you easily create a flexible API using JavaScript classes and functions. When a frontend developer queries the server, only the information asked for gets processed. This means you can make the backend as robust as you want while keeping the...