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What are Okta brands?

Okta brands allow you to customize the look and feel of pages and templates. You can customize the Okta-hosted sign-in page, error pages, email templates, and the Okta End-User Dashboard.

Each org starts with Okta default branding. You can upload your own assets (colors, background image, logo, and favicon) to replace Okta default brand assets. You can then publish these assets directly to your pages and templates.

Branding and the Sign-In Widget (third generation)

The third generation of the Okta Sign-In Widget doesn’t guarantee the stability of CSS selectors. Instead, customization in the third generation gets better support through branding. See Style the Sign-In Widget (third generation).

What is multibrand customization?

Note: Multibrand customization is available on both Okta Identity Engine and Okta Classic Engine.

Multibrand customizations allow customers to use one org to manage multiple brands and multiple custom domains. This drastically simplifies multi-tenant architectures, where customers had to create multiple orgs to satisfy branding requirements. Multibrand customizations allow orgs to create up to three custom domains (more upon request). You can map your custom domains to multiple sign-in pages, multiple sets of emails, error pages, and multiple versions of the Okta End-User Dashboard.

In addition, multibrand allows you to customize many other settings per brand:

  • Okta loading page
  • Okta Sign-In Widget version
  • Sign-in page labels
  • Default app for the Sign-In Widget
  • Display language
  • Sign-out page custom URL

Okta Verify and the Okta plugin support multibrand. Use the following minimum versions for compatibility:

  • Plugins: v6.16.0
  • Okta Verify for Android: AOV 7.10.0
  • Okta Verify for iOS: iOV 7.12.0
  • Okta Verify for macOS: MOV 3.10
  • Okta Verify for Windows: v3.10

Multibrand and custom domains

You can create up to three custom domains with multibrand customizations. Increase your limit to 200 custom domains by contacting support.

You can only visit a branded touchpoint (such as a logo or color) after you map to a custom domain. Create a brand and map it to a custom domain. Then, you can make further customizations, preview them, and publish them. See Custom domains.

Subdomain brands and custom brands

Multibrand orgs have a non-deletable default brand called the subdomain brand. However, you can create several custom brands. The subdomain brand always appears at the Okta subdomain URL and can’t have a custom domain. You can swap out the logo and other assets, but you can’t edit custom code for the sign-in page or error pages. You can only use a custom domain and custom code for sign-in pages and error pages on custom brands.

Use the Admin Console

To use multibrand customization in the Admin Console, see Branding (opens new window).

Use the Brands API

There are public APIs and updates to existing APIs for multibrand customization:

Multibrand and resource sets

Make a custom admin role specific to a brand by using a customization resource type. See:

Multibrand and emails

If you want to use the Admin Console to send a branded email, consider the following:

  • If your org has two or more custom brands, domains, and email addresses:
    • You can't send branded emails from the Admin Console. Okta uses the request host in the URL to determine which brand and email address to use, and the console only works with the Okta subdomain.
    • Use an Okta API to trigger the email. To send a User Activation email, send a request to the Activate a User (opens new window) endpoint. Remember to change the domain of your request to the custom domain that's associated with the brand. For example, change subdomain.okta.com to custom.domain.one.
  • If your org has one custom brand, domain, and email address:
    • Okta doesn't use your custom email address. The Okta subdomain appears in the From line.
    • Your theming appears in the content of the email (logo, palette, images). With a single custom brand or domain, the Admin Console assumes that you want to send themed content.
  • If your org doesn't have a custom brand, domain, and email address, you can only trigger Okta-branded emails from the Admin Console.

Multibrand and redirect URIs

Multibrand orgs use dynamic issuer mode for IdP. As a result, Okta uses the domain from the authorize request as the domain for the redirect URI when returning the authentication response. The Admin Console UI displays the org's Okta subdomain when the org has multiple custom domains configured.

URIs that you use in the following settings revert to the Okta subdomain:

You can replace the base path with a custom domain and Okta uses the brand associated with the domain.


How many custom domains per org?

All paid orgs get a maximum of three custom domains. You can request up to 200 custom domains at no cost.

Can all custom domains use Okta-managed certificates?

Yes. Okta recommends this approach so customers never have to maintain any certificates.

How are apps assigned to brands?

Users are routed to the desired app using the client_id in the custom domain as a URL parameter.

For example, a specific OAuth/OpenID Connect (OIDC) app with client_id=foo:

  • subdomain.okta.com/oauth2/v1/authorize?client_id=foo: Shows the default brand
  • custom.domain.one/oauth2/v1/authorize?client_id=foo: Shows the brand associated with custom.domain.one
  • another.domain.two/oauth2/v1/authorize?client_id=foo: Shows the brand associated with another.domain.two

In all three cases the user signs in to the same OIDC app, but sees three different brands. If you want each brand to send users to their own app, the client_id needs to correspond to the desired app.

Access management to apps is controlled through app assignments, so any user can still access any app. You can apply any brand to any app.

If a custom domain doesn’t contain a client _id, Okta routes the user to the default app.

Any limitations/assumptions to be aware of?

Email domains

Keep in mind the following when setting up domains for an org with branded emails:

  • If you don’t have any domains configured, or you have multiple domains configured, the emails use your org’s default brand. See About subdomain brands versus custom domains.
  • If there's only one domain configured, the emails use the brand associated with that domain.

Email senders

The main Okta email provider allows you to use each unique email sender (root domain, no-reply@company.com) only once in each cell. To bypass this limitation, use a subdomain to keep email senders unique (for example, no-reply@brandA.company.com and no-reply@brandB.company.com).

User Activation email

If you try to use the Admin Console to send a branded User Activation email, the default Okta branding is applied.

To ensure that the activation email is branded, use the Users API (opens new window). In your request, change subdomain.okta.com to the custom domain associated with the brand. For example, custom.domain.one. See Multibrand and custom domains.

Note: This solution works for Okta Workforce Identity Cloud customers. If you import users with Active Directory or Human Resources as a Service (HRaaS), it can be difficult to use the API.

Default brand sign-in page and error page

With multibrand customizations enabled, you can't update the default brand's sign-in page or error page HTML content. The API returns a 403 HTTP status message. See About subdomain brands and custom brands.

Data migrations

  • Flag ON behavior: Okta migrates any customizations (code, logos, labels) to a newly created brand. This is a one-time migration for only the first time that an org turns on multibrand.

  • Flag ON/OFF/ON behavior: Okta doesn't remigrate existing customizations made to the default brand so that customizations don’t overwrite the previously customized brand.